Oddworld is a fictional universe presented in video game form, created by game developers Oddworld Inhabitants under the direction of Lorne Lanning. The series has been released on various platforms like PlayStation, Xbox, PlayStation 3, Windows, Wii U and PC. Four games from the OddWorld series have been added to the OnLive cloud gaming service.
With our Unofficial Game Guide become an expert player and get unlimited coins! This guide is for anyone looking to play the game like the pros do. Are you frustrated with running out of coins? Or perhaps you are just looking to learn how to enjoy the game more? -Getting Started -Newbie Strategies -Hints, Help, Tips, & More -Cheats -Hacks -Advanced Strategies -Coins -Download Free. No matter what you are looking to do our guide will help you get a greater level of success. The online app will even show you how to download the game for free. Don’t delay, become a pro player today!